Saturday 19 November 2016

Tudor Day

Tudor Day

On the 6th October my year had a Tudor day that was really fun!
We all dressed up in Tudor costumes. I had a hat with a feather in it, a cream shirt, waistcoat, breeches and white socks. I also had buckles on my shoes.

First I learnt some Tudor dancing that the peasants did (It was mostly just side-stepping around in circles holding hands.) After break I made some pottage and had to fill in a sheet about cooking (the pottage looked like sick!) x x
                                                                                             _     -ugh!

Then I had lunch! o o
                                  0     ---nom nom nom!

Next I had to make a Tudor purse. First, I drew on some fabric around a template that was the shape of 2 purses joined together.Then I had to sew the shape together so it was folded in half and then it looked like an old purse.

 Finally, I put some lavender in to make it smell nice!

And to end my Tudor day I made a pomander - that's basically an orange with cloves in. I called him star because when I made him it was meant to be a happy face but I did a clove in the middle with cloves around it so they looked like superstar glasses. I enjoyed making my pomander but the smell of cloves almost made me sick !!! 

I liked my Tudor day and enjoyed making things!

Sunday 13 November 2016

My Trip To Burghley House

On Tuesday 4th October, my school year (5) went on a half an hour coach trip to a place called Burghley house in Stamford.

When we arrived there was a man called Alwyn and he gave us to our tour guide, Rachel.There are 200 rooms (WOW!) in Burghley house and we were shown around 14 of them (Not many compared to 200) including the billiard room (Basically the games room), the brown drawing room (Paintings) and the chapel (church.)

We also saw a hell staircase which was painted with figures from Greek and Roman mythology and a creepy monster with burning people inside it, that was how the artist (Antonio Verrio) saw hell.

My favourite room was ye olde kitchen (TAKE THAT TUDORS!) which is the second biggest room in the house! : o It has a 260 piece (!) "Batterie de cuisine" (Wow!) -a range of tools and pans used in a professional kitchen. I also tried to lift copper pan that was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... HEAVY and Rachel said there were pans TWICE AS HEAVY!!!!!

In the room there was also a thing called a spit that they cooked meat with and a life sized picture of the meat from a cow that was REALLY BIG!

A bit later on we had a lesson about portraits from Alwyn and learnt lots of new words.

Later that day, I was picked to join in with a (plastic) Tudor banquet and I dressed up as a Tudor lord like some other people did but in different costumes.We were comparing the food between rich and poor Tudors. I had plenty of food like roast pheasant pie and sweet bread and the poor people had something like black tentacles!

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Finally, we went to court (not real court) with Henry VIII (Alwyn) and he was in trial and was asked questions about his 6 (!) wives!

I really enjoyed my trip and hope I can come again with my family one day !!! : )